Tuesday, January 18, 2011




HippoCampus: Religions of the World
Exploring World Religions - the companion site for a textbook; can be used alone. (There are summaries, key terms, flashcards, and quizzes.)
BBC - Religions
ThinkSpot - World Religions - additional textbook companion site also with flashcards, summaries, and quizzes.


ReligiousTolerance.org - information on major religions presented in a non-biased way
Religious World - portal website with links to information on world religions
Religion Facts
Origins of Major Religions - includes links to sacred texts
Encyclopedia of Religion and Society

DSST Introduction to World Relgions Fact Sheet - includes outline, test description, and sample questions.

Exam Outline:

I. Definition and Origins of Religion – 6%
Some defintions of "religion"
Origins of Religion Theories

A. Basic dimensions of religion
B. Approaches to religion
II. Indigenous Religions – 6% - Indigenous World Religions - (broken down by continent/area)A. Native North American traditions
B. Native South American traditions
C. Native West African traditions
D. Native Middle Eastern traditions
E. Hellenic and Roman traditions
F. Shintoism
III. Hinduism – 10% - Religion of HinduismA. Historical development
B. Doctrine and practice
IV. Buddhism – 10% - Religion of BuddhismA. Historical development
B. Major traditions
C. Doctrine and practice
V. Confucianism – 6% - Religion of Confucianism*A. Historical development
B. Doctrine and practice
VI. Taoism – 4% - The Religion of TaoismA. Historical development
B. Doctrine and practice
VII. Judaism – 16% - Religion of JudaismA. Historical development
B. Denominations
C. Doctrine and practice
VIII. Christianity – 18% - Religion of ChristianityA. Historical development
B. Major traditions
C. Doctrine and practice
IX. Islam – 16% - Religion of IslamA. Historical development
B. Major traditions
C. Doctrine and practice
X. Religious Movements – 8%A. Before 1000 A.D.
B. After 1000 A.D.
*Confucianism is more accurately described as a behavioral or ethical system than a religion as it does not have any form of deity at its core. However, as it is frequently taught within world religion studies, it is referred to here as a religion.


Quizzes on Individual Religions
Study Flashcards and Final Exam - Note: Click on the "TEST" link for an exam. The "regenerate test" link creates new questions; the test can be taken multiple times.

Recommended Course of Study:

Begin by printing the course outline. Create sections in your study journal for each major topic. (The 10 points of the outline.) Watch the video lessons at the HippoCampus website, taking notes in the appropriate section of your journal. Visit the Exploring World Religions website and study the flashcards, copy key terms to your study journal, and take the chapter quizzes.

Visit the BBC website for more information on the individual religions. Use the additional resources to study more about specific topics, such as "native South American traditions." Finish the course with the Individual Religions quizzes, then study the exam flashcards and take the final exam at least 3 times.

Visit your local library for more information on world religions, if needed.

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